I expect solar will have a great year in 2021. Covid-19 provided a huge setback for the industry, however with the vaccine and green administration solar is poised to have a huge 2021. There is a massive demand for solar in states like Texas, North Carolina, Florida, and Arizona. Solar companies that have teams in these states are positioned to capitalize in 2021. As I speak with many solar teams daily to discuss their marketing strategies the teams that are seeing triple digit installs monthly are the ones that are diversifying their marketing plans .These teams tell me they are using a combination of these lead generation strategies.
Solar appointments
Having a qualified US call center with experience in solar sales can increase your number of prospects
Opt In Web Forms
These types of leads should be called by your top inside sales people. With strong web leads and solid closers they should convert to a high number of appointments for your outside sales team
Aged Solar Data
These leads are typically a combination of aged solar and aged refi. Single family homeowners with a minimum 650 credit score are great prospects for solar.
If you diversify your marketing efforts and employ quality closers 2021 could be a record year for your organization. If you have any questions about these products please call today at 781-690-5077
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